Reopening a Closed Workers’ Compensation Case in California: A Step-by-Step Guide

Roofing injury workers compensation in california

In California, workers’ compensation cases may be closed after a settlement or final decision, but circumstances can arise that require reopening the case. If your condition worsens, new medical evidence emerges, or you believe the original settlement was inadequate, you may be entitled to reopen your workers’ compensation case. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to reopen a closed workers’ compensation case in California, including the legal requirements, necessary documentation, and the process for filing a petition to reopen.

Understanding When You Can Reopen a Workers’ Compensation Case

Conditions for Reopening a Case

Reopening a closed workers’ compensation case is not automatic and requires specific conditions to be met. The most common reasons for reopening a case include:

  • Worsening of condition: If your medical condition has deteriorated since the case was closed, you may be able to reopen the case to seek additional benefits.
  • New medical evidence: If new medical evidence emerges that was not available at the time of the original settlement, it may justify reopening the case.
  • Mistake or fraud: If there was a mistake, fraud, or misrepresentation in the original settlement or decision, you may have grounds to reopen the case.

Time Limits for Reopening a Case

In California, there are time limits for reopening a workers’ compensation case, known as the statute of limitations. These time limits include:

  • Five-year limit: Generally, you have up to five years from the

date of your original injury to file a petition to reopen your workers’ compensation case in California. This means that if your condition worsens or if new evidence comes to light within five years of the injury, you may be able to reopen the case.

  • Exceptions to the rule: There are some exceptions to the five-year rule, such as cases involving fraud or newly discovered evidence that could not have been reasonably found at the time of the original settlement. In such instances, the time limit for reopening the case may be extended, but this is rare and typically requires strong justification.

Steps to Reopen a Workers’ Compensation Case

1. Gather New Evidence

The first step in reopening your workers’ compensation case is to gather new evidence that supports your request. This may include:

  • Updated medical records: Obtain updated medical records from your treating physician that document the worsening of your condition or any new diagnoses related to your original injury.
  • Expert opinions: Seek opinions from medical experts who can provide testimony or reports that support your claim that your condition has worsened or that new medical evidence has emerged.
  • Documentation of error or fraud: If you believe that there was an error or fraud in the original settlement, gather documentation that supports your claim. This may include evidence of misrepresentation, incorrect calculations, or other discrepancies in the original decision.

2. Consult with a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Reopening a workers’ compensation case can be legally complex, and it’s advisable to consult with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who can guide you through the process.

  • Case evaluation: Your attorney will evaluate the new evidence and determine whether you have a strong case for reopening your claim.
  • Legal advice: An attorney can provide legal advice on the best course of action, including whether to file a petition to reopen or pursue other legal remedies.
  • Representation: Your attorney can represent you in all legal proceedings related to reopening your case, ensuring that your rights are protected throughout the process.

3. File a Petition to Reopen

To officially reopen your workers’ compensation case, you must file a petition to reopen with the California Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB). This petition must include:

  • Reason for reopening: Clearly state the reason for reopening the case, such as the worsening of your condition, the discovery of new medical evidence, or the identification of a mistake or fraud in the original decision.
  • Supporting documentation: Attach all relevant documentation, including updated medical records, expert opinions, and any other evidence that supports your claim.
  • Legal arguments: If applicable, include legal arguments that justify reopening the case, citing relevant case law or statutes that support your position.

4. Attend the Reopening Hearing

After you file your petition to reopen, the WCAB will schedule a hearing to review your case. This hearing provides an opportunity for you to present your evidence and for the opposing party (usually the insurance company) to respond.

  • Preparation: Work closely with your attorney to prepare for the hearing, ensuring that all evidence is organized and ready to present. Practice your testimony and be prepared to answer questions from the judge and opposing counsel.
  • Presenting your case: At the hearing, your attorney will present your case, including any new evidence or expert testimony. You may also be asked to testify about your condition and how it has changed since the original settlement.
  • Decision: After the hearing, the judge will review all the evidence and make a decision on whether to reopen your case. If the judge agrees to reopen the case, you may be entitled to additional benefits or a new settlement.

What to Expect After Reopening a Case

Additional Medical Treatment

If your case is reopened due to the worsening of your condition, you may be entitled to additional medical treatment covered by workers’ compensation. This can include surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and other necessary treatments to address your condition.

Temporary Disability Benefits

If your condition has worsened to the point where you are unable to work, you may be eligible for additional temporary disability benefits. These benefits provide wage replacement while you recover and are unable to perform your job duties.

Permanent Disability Benefits

If your condition has resulted in a permanent impairment, you may be entitled to additional permanent disability benefits. The amount of these benefits is typically based on the degree of your impairment and its impact on your ability to work.

Vocational Rehabilitation

In some cases, reopening your workers’ compensation case may also entitle you to vocational rehabilitation services. These services can help you transition to a new job or career if your injury prevents you from returning to your previous occupation.

Challenges in Reopening a Workers’ Compensation Case

Opposition from Insurance Companies

Insurance companies often oppose petitions to reopen workers’ compensation cases, as it can result in additional costs and liabilities for them. Be prepared for the possibility that the insurance company will challenge your petition by arguing that your condition has not worsened or that the new evidence is insufficient.

Proving the Worsening of Condition

One of the key challenges in reopening a case is proving that your condition has genuinely worsened since the original settlement. This requires strong medical evidence and, in some cases, expert testimony to demonstrate the progression of your condition.

Navigating Legal Complexities

Reopening a workers’ compensation case involves navigating a complex legal process, including meeting strict deadlines, filing the correct paperwork, and presenting a compelling case at the hearing. Working with an experienced attorney can help you overcome these challenges and improve your chances of success.


Reopening a closed workers’ compensation case in California is possible under certain circumstances, but it requires careful preparation, strong evidence, and a thorough understanding of the legal process. Whether your condition has worsened, new evidence has emerged, or you believe there was a mistake or fraud in the original settlement, taking the right steps can help you secure the additional benefits you need. Consulting with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can provide the guidance and support necessary to successfully reopen your case and protect your rights. If you believe you have grounds to reopen your workers’ compensation case, don’t hesitate to take action—your health and financial well-being may depend on it.


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