Cómo reabrir una reclamación de indemnización por accidente laboral en California

Workers compensation chemical injury

In California, workers’ compensation claims may sometimes need to be reopened after they have been settled or closed. This can occur if a worker’s condition worsens, new medical evidence arises, or additional treatment becomes necessary. Understanding the process for reopening a workers’ compensation claim is essential for ensuring that workers receive the full benefits they are entitled to. This article explains the circumstances under which a claim can be reopened, the steps involved, and how to navigate the process effectively.

When Can a Workers’ Compensation Claim Be Reopened?

1. Empeoramiento del estado

A workers’ compensation claim can be reopened if the worker’s condition deteriorates after the claim has been settled. This might involve new symptoms, worsening of existing symptoms, or the emergence of complications related to the original injury.

  • Por ejemplo: A worker who initially recovered from a back injury might experience increased pain or reduced mobility months or years later, necessitating further medical treatment.

2. New Medical Evidence

If new medical evidence comes to light that was not available at the time of the original settlement, the claim may be reopened. This could include new diagnostic findings, additional injuries related to the original condition, or new treatment options that were not previously considered.

  • Por ejemplo: Advanced imaging techniques might reveal a previously undiagnosed condition related to the initial injury, requiring further treatment.

3. Additional Medical Treatment Needed

A claim can also be reopened if the worker requires additional medical treatment that was not anticipated at the time of the original settlement. This could involve surgeries, physical therapy, or other interventions that are now deemed necessary.

  • Por ejemplo: A worker who settled their claim for a knee injury might later require knee replacement surgery due to deterioration of the joint.

Time Limits for Reopening a Claim

Statute of Limitations

In California, there is a statute of limitations for reopening a workers’ compensation claim. Generally, a claim can be reopened within five years from the date of injury. After this period, it becomes much more difficult to reopen the case.

  • Regla de los cinco años: The five-year limit applies to both the worsening of the condition and the discovery of new evidence. If more than five years have passed since the date of injury, the worker may be barred from reopening the claim.


There are some exceptions to the five-year rule, such as cases involving fraud or other exceptional circumstances. However, these are rare and require substantial evidence to justify reopening the claim beyond the five-year limit.

Steps to Reopen a Workers’ Compensation Claim

1. Gather New Medical Evidence

The first step in reopening a workers’ compensation claim is to gather new medical evidence that supports the need for reopening the case. This might involve obtaining new medical reports, diagnostic tests, or expert opinions.

  • Consult with Your Doctor: Work closely with your treating physician to document any changes in your condition and to obtain a detailed report that supports the need for additional treatment or compensation.

2. File a Petition to Reopen

To formally reopen your claim, you must file a Petition to Reopen with the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB). This petition must include the new medical evidence and a detailed explanation of why the claim should be reopened.

  • Complete the Required Forms: The petition should be accompanied by all relevant medical documentation and any other evidence that supports your case.

3. Attend a Hearing (if necessary)

After filing the petition, a hearing may be scheduled to determine whether the claim should be reopened. During the hearing, both the worker and the insurance company can present evidence and arguments.

  • Prepárese para la audiencia: Be prepared to present your case clearly, including all new medical evidence and any other supporting documentation.

4. Receive a Decision

The WCAB judge will review the evidence and issue a decision on whether to reopen the claim. If the claim is reopened, the worker may be entitled to additional benefits, including further medical treatment, temporary disability payments, or an increase in permanent disability benefits.

  • Appeal if Necessary: If the petition to reopen is denied, the worker has the right to appeal the decision. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can assist in navigating the appeals process.

How to Strengthen Your Case for Reopening a Claim

1. Work with Experienced Medical Professionals

Having strong medical evidence is crucial for reopening a workers’ compensation claim. Ensure that your medical providers are experienced in workers’ compensation cases and can provide detailed, thorough documentation of your condition.

2. Llevar registros detallados

Maintain comprehensive records of all medical treatments, communications with the insurance company, and any changes in your condition. These records can be vital in supporting your petition to reopen the claim.

3. Consult with a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Reopening a workers’ compensation claim can be a complex process, especially if there is resistance from the insurance company. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you gather the necessary evidence, file the petition, and represent you in hearings or appeals.


Reopening a workers’ compensation claim in California is possible under certain circumstances, such as the worsening of a condition, new medical evidence, or the need for additional treatment. Understanding the process and working with experienced professionals can help ensure that you receive the benefits you need. If you believe your condition has changed or new evidence has emerged, don’t hesitate to take action to protect your rights and secure the compensation you deserve.


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Workers compensation